All Categories - Critical Thinking Schooling
4 de agosto de 2024
Watch these two videos: 1. Was Karl Marx right? 2. What is Socialism? Manifesto Excerpt...
23 de agosto de 2023
Watch this clip before you read the text excerpt: This is the Generation of that great...
17 de agosto de 2023
Watch this clip before you read the text excerpt: Man is born free; and everywhere he is in...
9 de agosto de 2023
Watch these two clips before you read the text excerpt: The natural liberty of man is to be...
2 de agosto de 2023
Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught...
26 de julio de 2023
The American founders held that unrestricted majority rule is the principle of modern tyranny,...
19 de julio de 2023
(In the Athenian democracy of Socrate's time, prosecutions could be initiated by any citizen or...
5 de julio de 2023
Watch this clip before reading the dialogue excerpt: Socrates: Say then, my friend, In what...
28 de junio de 2023
Watch this video before you read the speech text excerpts: August 12, 1986 Speech by...
21 de junio de 2023
Please watch these two clips before reading the text excerpt: We should support...
14 de junio de 2023
Watch these two videos and then read the text excerpt: The war has disclosed the...
7 de junio de 2023
Please watch these short videos before you read the text: And that companion fact: when...
31 de mayo de 2023
Freedom only for the supporters of the government, only for the members of one party- however...
23 de mayo de 2023
Please watch this clip before reading the excerpt: What is occurring in our country is not...
17 de mayo de 2023
Watch this clip before you read the excerpt: Racist ideas make people of color think less of...
10 de mayo de 2023
Watch this video before reading the excerpt: TACTICS MEANS doing what you can with what you...
4 de mayo de 2023
Watch this video before reading the Court's Ruling back in 1973: 14th Ammendment of the...
Majority Opinion The Secretary of Labor, acting through the Occupational Safety and Health...
19 de abril de 2023
Please watch this short clip before reading the ruling's excerpt: 1. The “militia”...
5 de abril de 2023
Watch this video before reading the text excerpt: Decision: Because of the prohibition of...