Online Critical Thinking Program
for 6-12 Graders
Taking Your Child's Ability to Ask Questions to the Next Level
Socratic Dialogues on Freedom with Students from Different States
Using Original Texts like The Magna Carta and The Federalist Papers
5 Benefits for your Child
1Learn to respectfully agree to disagree
2Increase his/her academic understanding of Freedom
3Learn to Think Critically
4Dialogue with students from different States
5Read classic texts on Freedom
From the Magna Carta and Federalist Papers all the way to anti-freedom writings like the Communist Manifesto!
Parent Testimonials
She looks forward to the conversations each week. I never need to remind her to attend.
We have been in the program for roughly 6 months and from the beginning I could see the impact the discussions were having on our daughter. She looks forward to the conversations each week. I never need to remind her to attend. The format of being presented with ideas and openly discussing as a group has fostered a love of digging deeper into issues/matters that may otherwise be presented or introduced superficially.
Highly recommend!
Jacqueline (California Mom)
Daniel is especially good at inspiring a space to opine freely but at the same time ask questions that challenge students.
My two children enjoyed incredibly each session. They were engaged in the topics, they told be about the questions that were so acutely raised by Daniel... they felt heard, challenged, valued. It has been great for their minds and souls. They are now interested in a variety of subjects, capable of undertaking great in depth reflections.
The panorama of readings is amazing. The selection Daniel does is of great level.
Daniel is especially good at inspiring a very confident space to give opinions freely and at the same time to put questions that gently challenge their positions. He patiently guides the discussion in a geniuenly socratic way of examining assumptions and opening new aspects of each topic.
Daniel's patience is impressive.Carolina (Argentinian Mom)
My son feels like he can open up and dig into the issues because he knows people are liberty minded, even when they (politely) disagree
My son feels like he can open up and dig into the issues because he knows people are liberty minded, even when they (politely) disagree. The topics have helped him focus his ideas, but also leave open how the past is related to present times and troubles. I highly recommend Socratic Kid as exploring the dialectic and rhetorical thought process assists in creating critical thinkers
Kirstin (California Mom)
These important discussions in the company of great peers have allowed our daughter to spread her intellectual wings
Not only do the kids learn key information about foundational texts of Western Civilization, they do it with a group of well-grounded peers, under the guidance of a trusted adult mentor, yet free from parental interference. These important discussions in the company of great peers have allowed our daughter to spread her intellectual wings and gather the kind of spiritual strength she needs to become the kind of adult we hope for her to become.
Missouri Parent
Safe place to express different views
It’s really nice to have a safe place to express different views with brilliant peers. Daniel’s calm way of guiding the Socratic discussions is exactly what my son craved.
NYC Parent
Bottom line, the best extracurricular program!
The experience and exposure our daughter has gained through this interactive critical thinking program has been invaluable. It has given her topics of great importance to think of that are relevant in today’s uncertain times. Bottom line, the best extracurricular program!
Tony Espinosa (Texas Father)
One Text Excerpt Per Week
First Semester
1Why is America Great?
1. Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville
2. United States Bill of Rights
3. The Declaration of Independence
4. The Magna Carta
5. The Federalist Papers (10 & 51)
2What is Economic Freedom?
1. I Pencil by Leonard Read
2. Free to Choose by Milton Friedman
3. Manifiesto of the Communist Party by Marx and Engles
4. 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup
3When Does Power Corrupt?
1. 1984 by George Orwell
2. The Diary of Anne Frank
3. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
4. The Prince by Machiavelli
5. The Law by Bastiat
4Is the US on the Road to Serfdom?
1. The Invisible Hand by Adam Smith (Wealth of Nations)
2. What is Money by Fréderic Bastiat
3. The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek (Chapter 10)
4. Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
5Can Religious Freedom Exist without Free Speech?
1. The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
2. Prison Ministry by John MacArthur 2020
3. First Amendment Ruling NYC 2020
4. Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
5. The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan
6What is Freedom of Thinking?
1. Corn Pone Opinions by Mark Twain
2. Animal Farm by George Orwell
3. Plato's Allegory of the Cave
4. Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
Second Semester
1Whose Story is US History?
1. Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address
2. The American Story by Garet Grarrett (Right leaning perspective)
3. A People's History of the US by Howard Zinn (Left leaning perspective)
4. The 1619 Project (New York Times version of US History)
2Do Supreme Court Decisions Impact Daily Life?
1. Roe vs. Wade (1973) Abortion
2. Abington School District vs. Schempp (1963) Bible in Public Schools
3. Van Orden vs. Perry (2005) 10 Commandments in Public
4. District of Columbia vs. Heller (2008) Gun Rights
5. Alabama Association of Realtors vs.Dept. of Health and Human Services (2021) Property Rights
3Is America a Racist and Socialist Country?
1. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
2. How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi
3. American Marxism by Mark Levin
4. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
5. Socialism or Barbarism by Rosa Luxemburg
4Can the Economy Exist Without Politics?
1. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Great Depression)
2. The Economic Consequences of Peace by John Maynard Keynes
3. Mao's Little Red Book (On Capitalism, Socialism and WW3)
4. Reaganomics (Ronald Reagan's Speeches on Taxes and Government)
5Is the US a Democracy?
1. Plato's Republic
2. Apology by Plato (Socrate's Trial by Pure Democracy)
3. Democracy or Republic, 8 Measures by Dinesh D'Souza
4. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
5. Two Treatises of Government by John Lock (Natural Rights)
6Are Schools Dumbing Down Education?
1. Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
2. Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
3. Democracy and Education by John Dewey
4. Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill
Love for the USA
Love of Our First Amendment
Love of Our Constitution
Respect for Disagreement
Evidence Based Opinions
Trust in Collaborative Learning
Critical Thinking over Memorization
Belief in the Importance of Strong Families

Critical Thinking Schooling